1 Live, Love, Yoga: Busy Busy Busy!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Busy Busy Busy!

This week has seemed crazy! I've been getting up early every morning to get some yoga in and then have kept busy the rest of the day. Friday I taught a 5:30am class and then spent the rest of the day working at the snack bar. Saturday, I went to an early class at Corepower, then to work and then to teach a donation class at Bird Rock. The class went very well! Seven people showed up and I was able to raise a good amount of money for Yoga For Hope which was pretty cool. I taught vinyasa style and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I felt totally relaxed and had a great time teaching. I had some good music and had prepared a pretty challenging but still accessible sequence and it went over well. Teaching is exhausting though! I love it because when I'm teaching I get what I consider my "yoga teacher super powers" where I can, for example, hold chaturanga for like 20834798174 breaths while I explain what to do. So basically I do all these demos while I'm explaining and I don't realize that I'm holding it for so long and then after class I'm super sore :p I also get this extreme amount of energy after I teach because I'm so happy (Max says that yoga/teaching yoga is like drugs to me...)

Yesterday, I did some more yoga, took my car in for a long awaited car wash and met up with a friend for coffee. Then I did some more yoga. I think if I didn't have commitments I would just do yoga all day 0_o Today, I went to Corepower for a 6:15 Hot Power Fusion class and then to Ignite for a Vinyasa Bootcamp. I raced home and got ready for nannying at 10. I got off of work at 2 and came home and relaxed for a few hours before heading back to Ignite to work the front desk and take another class (you know, since I'm already there...). It was crazy busy at the studio today because we are partnering with Truestar, a health and wellness company that has meal plans and weight loss programs. I think it's pretty great that the studio is trying to promote a healthy lifestyle outside of yoga class as well. From experience I know that it healthy living helps improve your yoga practice and yoga helps encourage a healthier lifestyle. I'm going to a Truestar meeting next week which I'm excited for.

This Saturday, I'm subbing a Hot Yoga Sculpt class at Ignite. I'm really excited for this class. I'm making a fun playlist and it's going to be a great workout! I love sculpt because it's upbeat and I feel so good after so it's going to be good to finally be teaching it!

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